Missing Classmates

 We do not have email addresses for any of the individuals listed below. So we are unable to communicate with them. If you know anyone's whereabouts, we would love to hear from you. Oh, and if the person's name is highlighted in yellow, it means that we found them! Please use the Contact page, accessible from the menu in the top right corner of this website, or email us at:




Central School North School South School West School Other

Aitken, Jeff

De Koning, Elsa

Carry (Ambrose), Jean

Bennett, Jon

Cavalier, Julia

Armstrong, Debra

Goldberg, Mark

Faier, Melinda

Fisher, Jocelyn

Feblowitz, Mark

Arnot, Todd

Goodman, Marsha

Gelfand, Mike

Laufman, James

Glass, Jerome

Bischoff, Henry

Goodman, Nancy

Harris, Rod

Mann, James M.

McGeever, Cathy

Davis, Todd

Horwich, Ralph

Jacobson (Chandler), Charlotte

Nyberg, Mitchell


Dearborn (Huck), Carol

Jaffee, Vickie

Koppel (Golan), Adrienne

Paul, Elliot


Fisher, Sarah

Lasker, Bruce

Mohling, T. Andrew

Shalon, Steve


Gould, Larry

Leech, Dianne

Rosenfeld, Peter

Taylor, Charlie


Houser, Julie

Lipschultz, Amy

Wells (Bischoff), Cynthia

Weil, Richard


Kahn, Tommy

Pinsoff (Goldstein), Ellen

Zale (Joffe), Amy



Kavanaugh, Palmer

Rocklin (Jakubiec), Susan




Keys, Shawn

Sensibar, Steve




Kiskaddon, Harry

Solomon, Catherine




Laura, Emma

Spivack, John




Lehman, Gale

Winter, Laurel




Loutzenheizer (Fallbeck), Erika

Winter, Richard




Martin, Greg





Metcoff, Alan





Mitchell, Pat





Moore, Lory  




Morris, Paul





Paul, Joshua





Prevo, Gregory





Purcell (Epperson), Katharine





Ross (Warshawsky), Ilene





Smith, Jennifer





Tranen, Amy





Unger (Weissman), Deborah





VanDeGraaff, John P.